new keyboard + update

hey everybody!

i’m back from the dead, once again. my last update was me complaining about myself being clumsy and spilling some liquids on my old keyboard, effectively killing it. i ended up digging my old keyboard research and settled on buying a HHKB professional classic in white from

let me tell you guys, this keyboard is a real joy to type on. it sounds really nice and satisfying to press all these buttons. some people believe that topre switches are expensive and overhyped. i will agree these keyboards are pretty expensive, but the general experience i have this this keyboard and this particular layout is great. i get a lot of mileage out of my keyboard, so having a “fun” typing experience diminishes the mental fatigue of slaving over this hot keyboard all day, every day if only just a lil bit. it could be placebo, but i’ll always take fake, artificial motivation if it will steer me to a positive action.

my favourite feature

i really enjoy that the control key, a key that i use so much, is where the cap lock key is on standard keyboards. it is such a better spot and doesn’t force me to extend my pinky weirdly. one thing that is somewhat annoying is that when i use a regular keyboard, i will end up hitting the caps lock key because of muscle memory.

it took a couple of days to adjust, but i don’t think i’ll ever want to use the standard keyboard layout if i can avoid it.

personal update

sorry for being away for a while! i won’t make any more promises about future postings. i don’t have any grandiose visions of what this site is supposed to be anymore. i have no expectations of myself; writing regular or thematically coherent items won’t work for me. i tend to get caught up in whatever i’m doing with little regard for activities outside that niche. my own interests are non-sequiturs so contriving loose relationships between them would be foolish. this web zone is fun to infrequently update and, luckily, no one has complained about the irregular updates lol.

recently, i became obsessed with automating parts of my job and learning about databricks, azure autoloader, and delta live tables. i made some pretty novel implementations and i’m happy about what i’ve personally achieved as a pythonista.

i hope everyone is doing well and remember to take care of yourself!