return to form

hello my dearest webzone readers,

i have made a full recovery after being devastated by a tumultuous, interpersonal conflict. huzzah!

some actions that really help me out when i’m not feeling too hot:

  • go for a walk
  • eat healthy foods
  • sit quietly; do nothing
  • listen to some sad songs
  • talk to my friends

overall, the above list reads like a bunch of platitudes and won’t work for everyone, but atleast they work for me!

i’m really struggling to figure out what to put on this webzone, in terms of content. i don’t want this to become like a medium-type site wherein i post “productivity hacks” and all that weird, grindset, side-hustle jargon. i see enough articles online that purport to teach you a crazy secret that people don’t want you to know. rarely is this ever the case. i don’t want to add to the already plentiful dirges of grifting articles, anyway.

i’d like to use this project to talk more about art and various topics i think about. i want to develop some skills in writing so in the future i might be able to express myself to others better. in other words, this site is basically a blog that is wrapped inside of my webzone development project.

i’m happy that i made it this far in the process.

great job, me.